Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Well, I finished my newborn nursery rotation, step 2 of boards, and am now on to my Pediatric Acting Internship. This month I get to pretend to be an intern in the Children's Hospital at Greenville Memorial. I think it's going to be a really fun month. All the residents and attending physicians are wonderful. It is a little nerve racking only because it's like a big audition for the residency program here (which is great and one that I am seriously interested in being a part of next year). This week I also have to finish up my residency application. Most of it is complete except for the personal statement. It's so hard for me to try to make myself sound great when I know all my weaknesses! Unfortunately mine will not sound quite as good as this one Tabetha found online (the ultimate admission essay ). It's hilarious! But nevertheless, I have to turn in something so I'm off to work on my essay and listen to a little Michael Buble'.
P.S. This is my college roommate and wonderful friend Kristi's sweet new baby--Meredith Annette. Isn't she gorgeous?!!