Sunday, December 31, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006

Today is December 18th...and it is 76 degrees outside! "Inconceivable!" I have to say this makes me a little nervous about the future of the country. I see polar ice caps melting and the entire East Coast being covered in water. (Sounds like the plot to half of all natural disaster films!) Seriously. I have on shorts and a t-shirt and Christmas day is a week away.
Well, 2 more interviews later (MCG and Greenville--both great) it is now time for an official Christmas break. These next 2 weeks will be full of me trying to catch up on all the stuff I've been putting off in the last 5 months. Oh my! But first will be finishing up all the thank you notes to my interviewers. I can't quite say these notes are the bane of my existence like some people I know, but they are pretty un-fun to do. At least I can listen to Christmas music while I write them!
Speaking of Christmas music ;) I went with some friends to the Andrew Peterson Christmas concert on Friday night and it was WONDERFUL! If you don't have his Behold the Lamb of God CD you should definitely pick it up. In addition to some really great music by some of my favorite artists, it was such a good reminder of what all the hoop-la should be about. With picking out gifts and stressing over which party to go to and arguing over who's going to spend which holiday meal where, it's amazing how even for Christians, Christ gets so lost. I'm praying that doesn't happen for me this year...or for you!