Monday, March 12, 2007

Match Week....drum roll please!

So I finally regained access to my blog. I've had trouble signing in since January and eventually it just worked! That's why it's been so long since I've updated for those that have wondered. Well, this is an important week for all 4th year medical students nationwide--Match Week. Today we found out IF we matched in a residency program (I did, by the way....yay!). Tomorrow is the "Scramble" for all those who didn't match--a day where programs try to fill their remaining residency positions and med students "scramble" to get them. Then on Thursday at noon we all find out WHERE we matched. At USC everyone gathers with their family in an auditorium, and we each go up one by one and get an envelope from the Dean. You can then choose to open it and read it aloud to everyone or take it back to your seat. Of course peer pressure, if nothing else, means almost everyone reads it on stage in front of the entire audience. Yikes! Hopefully, it will be a fun day and Thursday night will be a celebration! Til then...just trying to take care of some errands and things around the house and not think about Thursday too much!


Page said...

Yay! You're back... I hope you match where you want to!

mary said...

congrats, you soon to be greenville resident!!!!! we're so excited!