Thursday, April 05, 2007

So things are moving right along. After a couple of weeks of "independent study" and a week road-tripping in Florida, now its really finishing up medical school--just some workshops and lectures in Columbia this week and next and then nothing til graduation MAY 11!

In the meantime I will be getting the rest of my life in order! Big task, I know :) First thing...finding a new place to live. Tomorrow I start looking for a house to buy. Kinda scary! I hate having to make grown-up decisions. But...I am super excited about having a place to decorate! Fun for me! I'll keep you guys updated on how it goes.


Jen said...

So exciting!! How did it go on Friday? Anything good? You'll have to let me know. By the way, have fun in Columbia... we'll see you there on Tuesday! :) Oh, and Happy Easter!

Jen said...

any offers yet?? you've got to keep me posted so I know when to be excited about your new house that we are going to decorate!! i'm getting lots of great ideas from those magazines! thanks! :)

jim and chandra said...

How's the house-hunting coming along?? Well, I hope! Best wishes!

Lainey-Paney said...

I randomly came upon your blog...

congrats on finishing med school!
one of my best friends is finishing her LAST YEAR of residency in peds here in Dallas.

What a long course of study you've already achieved! KUDOS TO YOU!

...and thank goodness it's done, right??

Good luck on the house hunt.