Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So I have started a new rotation this week--Newborn Nursery. I spend 4 hours every morning checking over the little ones and talking with new moms. The babies are so sweet! I only work half-days so in the afternoons I am studying for Step 2 of boards. I'm taking it on Sept 19th, which is fast approaching, and I have so much more to remind myself of before it gets here! Better get to it...
(by the way, I think every nursery in the country must use those same pink and blue stripped blankets!)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

(my sis with her new hubby Heath)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Oh my little sister is a WIFE! It's a little weird, though I have to admit it won't be that different b/c Heather and Heath already spent every possible moment together for the last 5 years. The wedding went very well. Two months was not a lot of time to plan but we all pulled it off. Actually the ceremony was beautiful and very Christ-centered. After the initial look of dead fear on her face when the doors opened wore off, Heather cried through the entire was sweet. :) She looked beautiful. I was responsible for decorating the church and fellowship hall for the reception and it all looked quite nice I have to say :) (Thanks Martha Stewart...I still love your ideas even if you're an ex-con!) All the family they wanted there came including both my sister's grandmothers and Heather's dad all the way from Delaware at the last minute (though my mom actually walked her down the aisle and gave her away). We could only all praise the Lord for letting everything fall into place so well. Now the new Mr. and Mrs. McCall are on their way to Guatemala for their honeymoon (they always have to be just a little different from most people). I'll post some pictures of the day when I get them.

Friday, August 04, 2006

So I haven't posted in a while because things have been kinda busy. My little sister is getting married next weekend and I have been doing a lot of wedding stuff--planning, shower throwing, attending showers, keeping my mom and sister from killing each other, more planning---you know, the normal stuff :) I also started an ER rotation which has been fun because I am spending most of my time seeing kids in the pediatric emergency center. However, the shifts are 12 hours long and so far I've been there til at least 10 each night. I have to work all weekend too :( ...But then I get 6 straight days off (to do more wedding stuff). So basically, I'll be busy up to my eyeballs until next Sunday. Then I will take a much needed break. Looking so forward to that!!