Friday, August 04, 2006

So I haven't posted in a while because things have been kinda busy. My little sister is getting married next weekend and I have been doing a lot of wedding stuff--planning, shower throwing, attending showers, keeping my mom and sister from killing each other, more planning---you know, the normal stuff :) I also started an ER rotation which has been fun because I am spending most of my time seeing kids in the pediatric emergency center. However, the shifts are 12 hours long and so far I've been there til at least 10 each night. I have to work all weekend too :( ...But then I get 6 straight days off (to do more wedding stuff). So basically, I'll be busy up to my eyeballs until next Sunday. Then I will take a much needed break. Looking so forward to that!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What?! I had no idea Heather was getting married! I'm assuming it's Heath, right? I'll talk to you later - hopefully you'll get some rest next week.