Sunday, October 22, 2006

For all of you who were praying for my boards several weeks ago just thought I'd let you know that I passed. I actually scored almost the same as I did on the first part of them a year ago (which is good...the goal was just not to do much worse). So thanks for your prayers. Also I have 9 interviews set up so far out of the 11 places I applied. Man it's going to be a busy couple of months starting mid-November!


Anonymous said...

You busy girl! Congrats... I had no doubt that you would pass! Too bad that you aren't interviewing anywhere near me...

Anonymous said...

YAY! Woo hoo :) Glad that is behind you! God is good. I wonder where you'll end up for residency! I wish it were here with us!

I had to laugh picturing you with your coffee on overnight call. I know how much you dislike losing your sleep! Me, too, I say! I bet you can picture me up all night with little babies - I'm not very awake! What am I doing on here?! I have to be up all night tonight again! I'm such an idiot!

Anyway, just wanted to share your joy. I'm soooo proud of you. Your life is an amazing display of God's grace, isn't it?!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! It defintely feels good to have all of that out of the way for now. I'll see you tomorrow! :)