Tuesday, October 10, 2006

So I finally did it...I have now applied to residency--11 programs in the Southeast:
Greenville, Columbia, MCG, Wake Forest, Charlotte, ECU, Vanderbilt, UAB,
UVA, Norfolk, Louisville.
Now I'll just wait for the interview offers to roll in :) November, December, and January will be an exciting time. I think it'll be fun to travel and check out these programs (at least for a little while...I hear it gets old by the end). I am excited about it. This month on the peds wards is definitely confirming my choice of specialty. I am loving it! I do dislike having to take overnight call again, but I only have 2 nights left and then there will be no more until July! Yay! Well off to bed...on call tomorrow so gotta get some sleep while I can.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats on being finished with your application!
Amanda :)

Jen said...

Yeah! That is exciting to have it done! How fun would it be if we end up in the same place!!!

Tab said...

Hey girl! Congrats on your application...Tiff said the interviews have already been rolling in for ya! :) Give me a call sometime if you get a chance, ok?!