Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Interview schedule

A couple of people have asked me when my interviews were scheduled so I thought I'd just post them on here so everyone would know where I am going (and when I won't be at home so you can rob me if you want :) )
Nov. 9 Columbia, SC
Nov. 21 Charlotte, NC
Nov. 28 Louisville, KY
Nov. 29-Dec. 3 Annapolis, MD (no interview...just visiting Page!)
Dec. 4 Norfolk, VA
Dec. 7 MCG/Augusta, GA
Dec. 13 Greenville, SC
Jan. 3 UAB/Birmingham, AL
Jan. 5 Wake Forest/Winston-Salem, NC
Jan. 5-7 Lake Junalusca, NC (MCO retreat)
Jan. 11 ECU/Greenville, NC
Jan. 17 UVA/Charlottesville, VA
P.S. Please don't rob me! Besides, if you tried my viscious dog would tear you limb from limb


Jen said...

She does look pretty frightening... I guess I won't rob you this time. :) Looking forward to interviewing with you in a few of the places!

Anonymous said...

love your "ps" on this post -haha

i guess you have your first interview under your belt now!! hope it went well!

wow, what a busy schedule! :)