Sunday, June 11, 2006

Just one more week to go!

Just one more week and I'll officially be done with my 3rd year of medical school. Yay! Less than a year and I'll be a doctor. Crazy, huh? All I know is that I am so ready for a break that I can hardly stand it. I get 2 1/2 weeks off before the madness starts again. Tabetha, Jen, Amanda, Naomi, and I are going to Washington to visit Tab's land of origin. :) It should be great fun. We'll spend a couple of days in Seattle, a few at Tab's house, and a few days camping in the Olympic National Park with hot spings, a rain forest, and gorgeous views of the Northwest shore. I am not a roughin' it kinda girl, but it'll be worth it to get to experience it all with my best girl friends (I hope!) It does look beautiful though, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous! I've never been that far West before!

Jen said...

it's gonna be good! only a few more days! press on!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you. Have fun on your trip! When we went there a few years ago, Eric said, "Man, this is pretty close to paradise!" I bet it will be beautiful! Pack an extra blanket 'cause I bet you'll get cool at you! :) PS - you can turn on "word verification" and ward off most of those silly spam comments. I know you probably knew that :)