Thursday, June 15, 2006

So tomorrow morning I take one more little test and then no more ob/gyn and no more 3rd year! At least I got to deliver 6 babies these last 2 months--that's pretty cool, huh? Of course, I just wanted to follow them right over to the warmer and be the one taking care of them afterwards--pediatrics here I come! I mean, look how cute they are. Right now I am procrastinating and trying to find every reason I can not to study. For the last 30 minutes I've been attempting to pick out a new hairstyle. :) Let's see what else I can find to do. I'm sure there's something good on HGTV.... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hope you had fun on your trip. Is that a pic from a website, or were they from a patient of yours? So adorable! I have a cute picture of the baby in my tummy right now sucking its thumb like that :)