Tuesday, June 06, 2006

So I'm reading this book by A.W. Tozer called Knowledge of the Holy. (I highly recommend reading some of his stuff if you never have; the Pursuit of God is one of my favorites.) Each chapter is about an attribute of God and what it means to us. Just thought I'd share some of his insights that I've found challenging:
"[Man] is wiling to share himself, sometimes even to sacrifice himself for a desired end, but never to dethrone himself. No matter how far down the scale of social acceptance he may slide, he is still in his own eyes a king on a throne, and no one, not even God, can take that throne from him."
"Unbelief is actually perverted faith, for it puts its trust not in the livng God but in dying men."
"The Christ of popular Christianity has a weak smile and a halo. He has become Someone-up-There who likes people, at least some people, and these are grateful but not too impressed. "
"For we are made for eternity as certainly as we are made for time, and as responsible moral beings we must deal with both."
"Another God whom our fathers knew not is making himself at home among us. This God we have made and because we have created him he can never surprise us, never overwhelm us, nor astonish us, nor transcend us."

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