Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A small miracle

A small miracle occurred today. I went to visit my 81 year old grandmother (that's her in the picture) and then she took my mom, sister, and me to dinner. Now that sounds like an ordinary thing, but if you've been around me in the last year much you'd know that is a VERY big deal. My grandma is suffering from dementia, and in the past year or 2 has said some things that have caused a lot of family tension to the point that today was the first time my mom has seen or talked to her mother in a year. There was no big discussion or kiss-and-make-up talk but we all managed to make it through without any arguments or hurtful things being said and even managed a few laughs. I left ecstatic, thanking the Lord for the little moments of grace He gives us. Now I don't know how much of an effect today will have on my mom and grandmother's relationship in the long run, but redemption has to start somewhere, right? I'll certainly continuing praying for it as I have throughout this past year. Regardless, it was a nice gift to receive before heading off to the West for 2 whole weeks on vacation! I'll post some pictures and tell you all about my trip when I get back. Pray for safety as Jen, Tab, Naomi, Amanda, and I travel. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you back yet?